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Product details
File Size: 3993 KB
Print Length: 185 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (February 12, 2015)
Publication Date: February 12, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#860,050 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I have been teaching World History for a decade. I started researching best practices in world history this year due to a (friendly)debate within my department over the best strategies for teaching. This book has been an invaluable resource for me. First, there are no best practices in teaching world history (other than AP standards) because this is such a new field. Therefore the discussions and ideas raised by these distinguished authors give the rest of us a great starting point for our own discussions. Secondly, there are fantastic references in here. I have gone on to order other books based on the works in this one. If you are a new or experienced teacher looking to reassess or create a world history curriculum this book will certainly give you food for thought and a framework to build upon. I highly recommend this book.
Good book so far. Pretty helpful not only for world history but for history in general. A lot of good information with examples of question types, rubrics, and lessons. Not a good content resource but that's not what it advertises. Very helpful to the new teacher!
But buy it when you have time to read it - it is not arranged in chronological order, so it is hard to work with DURING the school year. Definitely a summer read, to assimilate after you have been to training.
All high school world history teachers need to read this but especially those teaching advanced classes. This book gives you insight as to what should be taught in a modern world history course as well as some great tips on how to teach it! Modern world history is no longer the western civilization course we had in college!
This is the one book to get if you are given the task of teaching a world history class, especially a World History Advanced Placement (WHAP) class.This has ideas for everything for the first day of class to bringing people from the community to how to use current events.Instead of detailing all of the wonders of the book, go to the table of contents on the M.E. Sharpe publisher website.All brought to you by actual teachers and Heidi Roupp, editor, who came up with the idea of the WHAP lesson jamboree (send a lesson to Heidi and a few bucks and she sends you back the collected lessons - genius!).Overall, does for high school world history teaching what Ross Dunn's _The New World History_ did for the college survey. The best until there is something better (don't hold your breath).
Great textbook
Everything was as expected
I teach World History in high school and it has been very helpful, especially during my second year. I can't say enough about this great product.
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