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Engineering Mathematics
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From the Back Cover
Engineering Mathematics is the best-selling introductory mathematics text for students on science and engineering degree and pre-degree courses. Sales of previous editions stand at more than half a million copies. It is suitable for classroom use and self-study. Its unique programmed approach takes students through the mathematics they need in a step-by-step fashion with a wealth of examples and exercises. The book is divided into two sections with the Foundation section starting at Level 0 of the IEng syllabus and the main section extending over all elements of a first year undergraduate course and into many second year courses. The book therefore suits a full range of abilities and levels of access. The Online Personal Tutor guides students through exercises in the same step-by-step fashion as the book, with hundreds of full workings to questions.
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About the Author
K. A.Stroud was formerly Principal Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at Coventry University, UK. He is also the author of Foundation Mathematics and Advanced Engineering Mathematics, companion volumes to this book. Dexter J. Booth was formerly Principal Lecturer in the School of Computing and Engineering at the University of Huddersfield, UK. He is the author of several mathematics textbooks and is co-author of Foundation Mathematics and Advanced Engineering Mathematics.
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Product details
Paperback: 1184 pages
Publisher: Red Globe Press; 7th ed. 2013 edition (March 22, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1137031204
ISBN-13: 978-1137031204
Product Dimensions:
8.5 x 1.8 x 10.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
39 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#688,762 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I have included my review of the previous edition, with minor updating, as it is still applicable. The additional material in this edition is a nice improvement, as is the lower price.However, there is now a caveat. In my opinion, the publishers made an unfortunate decision to publish this in one volume. It needs to be published in two parts. While publishing in one volume may reduce costs, it is definitely not user-friendly. Its now weighs almost 6-1/2 pounds. This makes it very, very difficult, perhaps impossible, to carry and use easily. Its weight requires a table, or large book support, be used to work comfortably. The previous edition was almost two pounds lighter, and had a smaller size, making that edition comfortable to handle. I had no problem carrying it with me to refer to as time allowed. The weight and size of this edition make that, for me, impossible.This is an excellent text for self-study or as a supplement to a classroom text. It is fairly wide ranging, covering a large portion of the mathematics needed during the first few years of an engineering, or physical science program. However, it is not quite comprehensive, lacking some areas that have gained significant importance in recent times, e.g, discrete transforms. Although some Fourier Series and transforms are covered in the companion volume "Advanced Engineering Mathematics".The pretests and revision (more commonly called review in the US) sections are quite helpful. The book de-emphasizes formal definitions, as concepts and intuitive descriptions are provided in conjunction with examples. However, in some instances this can lead to problems, where the appropriate problem-solving approach is well-presented but the lack of a formal definition can lead to some "fuzziness". In these cases an inexpensive mathematics dictionary, or standard text, should provide the needed clarity.Some sections or chapters are quite elementary and may not be needed by many readers. For example, the book starts with an approximately 60 page section on arithmetic.The book is well designed and laid out with black type, avoiding the distracting overuse of color found in some competing texts. The authors are usually quite clear, and quickly get to the "meat" of a topic. Extra material is kept to a minimum. One section where this is not true is the Programme F.10 (section) on Functions where unneeded, and arguably unhelpful, box graphics are introduced and used fairly extensively to visually denote the the ideas of function input and output. However, the boxes are not standard mathematical constructs for handling functions. In my opinion, these extraneous constructs are an unnecessary distraction, as the function notation carries with it all the structure needed for comprehension, and is what students will see in later work. In reviewing the 6th edition, I had hoped these boxes would be eliminated in later editions. However, they are, unfortunately, retained for this edition.The book still shows a much earlier publishing heritage as some mathematical terms no longer in common usage are nonetheless retained.For a book this large in size, there are an unusually small number of errors or misstatements and these are usually obvious. One example where this is not true is when the authors use the terms "range" and "co-domain", page 271, incorrectly as synonyms.This is an outstanding and well-written book. The book's presentation of desired learning outcomes, i.e., behavioral objectives, at the start of each Programme is excellent. Material is presented in easily digestible short sections that allow for breaks to be taken at almost any time, without the need to stop in the middle of an unfinished section. Pretest quizzes allow readers to determine what sections they can skip and what sections they need to work on. There are very few backward references to previously covered material. A minor deficiency is the lack of more formal definitions. These are usually not needed. In a number of cases they would help aid understanding and reduce the chance of encountering unexpected problems in later work. However, the book's strong emphasis on carefully developing concepts needed to comfortably handle the mathematical manipulation and problem solving skills required for engineering is exceptional.There are additions in this edition, but if the 6th can be found at a significantly lower price, not the case on Amazon at the time of this review, it would likely serve as well. Owing to its lighter weight and size, that edition may prove even more useful for those who spend considerable time away from their home/office/classroom/etc.This edition's uncomfortably large size and weight is compensated for by its outstanding content. It continues to deserve the highest recommendation.
What a great book! I have been using it to touch up my math. As an engineering major, I am required to take some tough math courses, but in practice you don't always get to use it, so it can slip away. This book could teach a beginner how to do this math well, but isn't an elementary book. It explains exactly how each concept comes to be, offers guided examples, and then tests and end-of-chapter assignments.As an example: I was looking at the differentiation section. It isn't a difficult topic to be able to do, but sometimes people don't always get the backround education of why you are doing what you are. This book derives the way a derivative is derived. Haha. In all honesty, it tells you why you are doing what you are doing, and effectively teaches you how to perform on real examples as well.I would highly recommend this book to engineers. I would also recommend it to anyone in a math course in high school or college that they want some extra help on. Or if you are just doing self-study, this book is what you want to buy. Great examples, great teaching style. Organized.
This is a great book for people who need to know math, but don't love math. I think of it as math without pain. Actually, I am a lover of math, so I read this book like most people read novels....for relaxation and recreation. It sure beats watching television.
This is an excellent book for those who wish to review stuff long forgotten AND for those who wish to get a good grasp of basic math areas. Topics range from number systems to calculus and differential equations with a goodly amount of algebra in between. The pedagogy used here is 'Programmed Instruction' which emphasizes the mechanics of how things are done rather than the theory behind them and subsequent proofs. Therefore, this is NOT a mathematics textbook for readers who wish to explore topics in-depth. For example, you will get much practice in how to compute derivatives of a function but you will NOT get the theory behind WHY the derived function gives the slope of the parent function.In the seventies this 'Programmed Instruction' was quite a common technique for students in junior colleges and/or trade schools where the requirement was mostly 'know how to do it and forget about theory'. Consequently, if you are a self-learner this book will help you get a good foundation and later, if so inclined, you can get more theory by going with Apostol's Calculus and many other great texts. For those who have forgotten math topics and/or those who really did not 'get it' the first time around this book is an excellent crutch.This is an excellent learning and review tool. Well worth the price and I recommend it highly.
This is a great book for review and reference. If you are looking for proofs and theorems, then this is not the book for you. If you are looking to review engineering mathematics in an easily understandable format, then this is the book for you.The book is organized into programmes or mini chapters. Each programme covers a specific topic. The author provides a brief explanation of the concept involved and then worked examples. You then have the opportunity to work a problem, and then a detailed solution is provided right away.The writing is clear and concise. Each programme is a condensed yet powerful presentation of the basic concepts. The book covers a broad range of topics, but there are some advanced topics that are not included.In summary, I highly recommend this book.
I am the guy did not pay attention in HS. Now I am attempting to complete my BSEE and I find this book to be a real help getting up to speed in some of the more difficult aspects of TRIG, CALC, etc...
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